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School Choice Today: Education Tax Credit Scholarships Ranking & Scorecard 2014

Out of 14 states that have tax credit-funded scholarship programs, two earn A’s, five earn B’s, four earn C’s, two earn D’s, and one earns an F on a new ranking and analysis from the Center for Education Reform (CER), School Choice Today: Education Tax Credit Scholarships Ranking & Scorecard 2014.

The first of its kind, the Education Tax Credit Scholarships Ranking & Scorecard 2014 is an in-depth analysis and state-by-state comparison of the 14 tax credit-funded scholarship programs currently in existence.

Click here to read the School Choice Today: Education Tax Credit Scholarships Ranking & Scorecard 2014 report

Click here for the Education Tax Credits Scholarships Ranking & Scorecard 2014 chart

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